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tv   Fox Morning News at 6  FOX  February 14, 2012 6:00am-7:00am EST

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el the power my young friend. mmm! [ male announcer ] for excellent fruit and veggie nutrition... v8 v-fusion, also refreshing plus tea. could've had a v8. when you pour chunky beef with country vegetables soup over it... you can do dinner. four minutes, around four bucks. campbell's chunky. it's amazing what soup can do. with resolve deep clean powder. the moist powder removes three times more dirt than vacuuming alone while neutralizing odors for a clean you can see, smell and really enjoy. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean. washington state legalizes gay marriage but couples will
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not be walking down the aisle this valentine's day. we'll have more on that story coming up. fox 5 morning news continues right now. straight up 6:00 on this february 14th. it is tuesday, everyone. valentine's day. ments a little chilly start to your day on the day of love. good morning. i'm sarah simmons. >> i'm wisdom martin. thank you for waking up with us. it is all about love and a little chilly weather. like the chill on a sparkling bottle of wine surrounded by roses a you present them to your loved one on valentine's day. >> you're getting in the mood. >> every day is a day of love in the barnes household. >> notice how i can't take that seriously. >> wisdom knows what i'm talking about. a long morning already. let me show you what i'm talking about. most of the ask is off to the
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north. and again, this has been no reports of this touching the ground but it is possible you can see a sprinkle or flurry off to the north and west this morning. temperature at reagan national, 39 degrees. 39 now at reagan national. your wind are shifting ornament they are currently out of north and they are very light. won't be much of a factor today. our highs later this afternoon, upper 40s to about 50. lots of clouds in the forecast. i don't think you will see much sun today and there will be one or two showers this afternoon. be ready for the possibility of a few showers but again, most of the day should be dry. high temperatures, there you go in the comfortable range. 5 # in fredericksburg. you know with my favorite valentine's day song. it is trending on twitter so you guys have started something. >> glad we could help out. >> we should share the love with our crew in sky fox since
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they are up in the coal -- cold checking out the drive for us. the roadway is shut down in each direction here. no once able to get by on georgia avenue north of new hampshire avenue at mount caramel cemetery road. this is a backup starting to form. if you are traveling northbound, southbound, the lanes are closed as well. so again, no once able to get by at the scene. a lot of equipment still there and one overturned and two other vehicles involved in the crash. outer loop of the beltway here at new hampshire avenue, traffic behaving nicely as you work your way west of 650 headed over towards georgia avenue. no problems reported south on 270 coming in out of germantown. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. imetraffic. the search is on this morning for a missing 8-year- old silver spring girl. london marshall was last seen around 4:30 yesterday afternoon at her family's apartment on blair mill road. she left after a family argument. now, london is 4' 8" and 08
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pounds. she was last seen wearing a gray sweat e faded black jeans and gray suede boots. london is familiar with public transportation nog including metro f have you any information in this case, call montgomery county police. whitney houston's family is preparing for the star's funeral. her body arrived if the home state of new jersey late last night. reports say a wake may be held thursday followed by her funeral on friday. houston was found dead in a hotel room at the beverly hilton on saturday one day before the grammys. it may be several week before an exact cause of death is released. another big story we are following this morning. washington state has legalized gay marriage. >> washington governor christine gregoire signed the measure into law yesterday. wash is the seventh state to
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allow gay couples to marry but the law will not go into effect until june 7th. >> i'm proud that our comex couples will no longer be treated but separate but ual. they will be equal in the great state of washington. >> i stand up for my faith which says that marriage is one man, one woman. >> new jersey's senate has approved a bill to legalize same-sex marriages in that state but governor chris christie says he will veto it. the latest now on the push to legalize gay marriage in maryland. governor martin o'malley supports the measure and maryland's house may vote on the bill this week. governor o'malley says he is still a few votes short of the 71 needed to pass the house. in virginia today, same-sex marriage supporters will hold a rally at the fairfax county courthouse. it will start at 1:30 this afternoon and will be attended by local religous leaders. ous a look now at the morning's other top stories.
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testimony continues today in the murder trial of george huguely, the former university of virginia la crosse star is accused ever killing his ex- girlfriend yeardley love in her apartment in 2010. yesterday, a coroner testified that love clearly died of blunt force trauma. fox 5's paul wagner is covering the trial in charlottesville. he will join us live in our 9:00 hour. an investigation is under way into an accident that killed a virginia firefighter. 21-year-old zach whitaker was a volunteer firefighter in the town of gore. he and his father were in a tanker respond fig acall early monday morning when they crashed. roads in the area were icy during that time. president obama has sent his 2013 bum tote congress. it calls for both cuts and increases in government spending. he says both are necessary to keep the economy recovery going -- economic recovery going. gop leaders say the president's budget brings the fourth straight year of trillion dollar plus deficits and breaks
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his promise of cutting the deficit in half by the end of his first term. >> it's fundamental responsibility of this government and for the chief executive to not lay out a plan that has any credibility, does not reduce our debt course, is irresponsible in my opinion. >> if congress adopts this budget, then along with the cuts that we've already made, we'll able to reduce our deficit for $4 trillion by the year 2022. >> republicans are preparing their own budge wet no tax increases, and deeper reductions in entitlements. the budget cuts $15 million contribution to the transit agency. it could have an impact on the $3 billion deal between maryland, virginia and the district to fund metro's long- term budget. next, the latest on a push for a new law in virginia that is adding new fuel to the abortion debate. also ahead, it is a drug
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proven to save lives curing nearly all cases of a particular kind of cancer found in children and teens. now, there are serious concerns that the supply may run out.  people! look at you!
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texting...blogging... all this technology, but you're still banking like pilgrims! get high yield free checking at capital one bank. why earn bupkis, when your checking could earn five times the national average!! and free atms anywhere. five times the national average!!! that's new school banking. sign up for high yield free checking at a capital one bank. what's in your wallet? somebody help me down.
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a judge says jerry sandusky can see his grandchildren. he will be allowed supervised visits with the children's parents. the decision was handed down at a hearing yesterday. also making headlines this morning, a bill that would require women in virginia to get an ultrasound before having an abortion is set for a final vote in the house today. this comes as legislation stating human life begins at conception advanced in the house yesterday. the so-called personhood bill was approved on a voice vote with passage expected later today. concerns are growing that
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supplies of a cancer-fighting drug may soon run out. methotrexate is used to a treat a childhood cancer called accuse lymphoblastic leukemia. the drug can cure nearly 90% of those cases. drug makers are urged to step up production. up next, yes, it is valentine's day. you already know that, i'm sure f you haven't gotten that gift just yet, it is still not too late. >> i'm kind of looking for one now that i kind out we are really celebrating apparently. we'll take a look at one creative way to show your love coming up. we are checking in with tucker for your full forecast on this valentine's day when fox 5 morning news continues. [ tom ]  we invented the turbine business right here in schenectady.
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without the stuff that we make here, you wouldn't be able to walk in your house and flip on your lights. [ brad ] at ge we build turbines that power the world. they go into power plants which take some form of energy, harness it, and turn it into more efficient electricity. [ ron ] when i was a kid i wanted to work with my hands, that was my thing. i really enjoy building turbines. it's nice to know that what you're building is gonna do something for the world. when people think of ge, they typically don't think about beer. a lot of people may not realize that the power needed
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to keep their budweiser cold and even to make their beer comes from turbines made right here. wait, so you guys make the beer? no, we make the power that makes the beer. so without you there'd be no bud? that's right. well, we like you. [ laughter ] ♪
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how deep is your love? if you still haven't found the perfect valentine type's gift, the national zoo can help you
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out. >> can you buy a critter card. a few bucks gets you a valentine and and honorary naming rights to one of the could's residents. for $10, you get to choose from 10 creatures including the naked mole rat. you are also supporting a good cause, wildlife conservation. >> $20 will get a a flamingo critter card or you could go with the oriental red bellied toad piranha or eastern diamondback rattlesnake. now, nothing says love like a rattlesnake. to find out more, foe to t supports a good cause so we like that. chocolate is always a very popular gift on valentine's day at the godiva store in times square. employees started their day at 3:30 this morning to hand dip
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chocolate covered saw it bris. godiva is expected to sell 15,000 of them at the stores nationwood today. -- chocolate covered strawberries. we'll have more on that in our business beat. see all the big lines out there. what is the best and worst valentine's gift you have ever received. we want people to tell us this morning on facebook. we may share of comments on the air. >> keep them clean. >> i hope we share the ones. some are like -- some, i feel for them, you know. it is like nothing you could ever imagine for a valentine's day gift. >> you got it. temperatures are warmer than yesterday. we are in the upper 30s and low 40s. not a bad start. localities of clouds in the forecast today. it will feel like rain all day but it is not going to. it will be kind of cloudy for your day. it could be a shower or two later this afternoon. >> but not a blizzard.
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>> there is your silver lining. >> it is not a blizzard. you can still got to do what you got to do. >> how dare you utter that word. >> think about the potential for blizzard and a lot of indoor time and valentine's day. >> we get what you're saying. >> this is a good point. >> love is in the air. >> there we go. let's get right to it and take a look at the current forecast. not going to happen this year, wisdom. >> the love or the blizzard? >> either in my case. this hasn't been touching the ground but it has been falling from the sky for the past couple of hours. we have at least the possibility of a few showers with an upper level disturbance system working through. possibility of a shower. better chance this afternoon. but i think most of the date will be kind of dry and cloudy. out to the west, that is our next upper level disturbance. these are very weak sort of impulses. they don't have a lot of energy to work with. it is possible later today you could see i shower or maybe a snow shower if you are well off
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to the north and west into southern pennsylvania. that will be about it. otherwise, mild temperatures with highs expected in the upper 40s and low 50s for daytime highs. 39 right now in washington. remember yesterday, we were in the upper teens and low 20s. we are much warmer this morning. 35 at dulles. 32 in winchester. let's do the futurecast. nothing at the moment. here we are at noon. just some cloud cover, maybe a few breaks. later this afternoon and tonight, it is indicating that we could get some light shower activity with a little bit of mound tap snow starting to develop by eight late afternoon, early evening well out to the west. that is about it. the sunshine should return by tomorrow afternoon with some mild temperatures. we'll be in the 50s here for most of the week. plenty of clouds, could be a shower this afternoon. how about a 20% chance for a shower. 50-degree your daytime high. winds out of the south and east at five to 10 miles per hour. mostly cloudy tonight.
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35 your overnight low. we'll keep the temperature above freezing. we are not concerned about any icing out there during the nighttime hours. sunshine by afternoon. mild, 536789 showers definitely in the forecast for thursday and then 50s around here, low 50s friday and saturday. that's your weather. let's do some on-time traffic and someone dressing the part for valentine's day, julie wright. >> somebody has to play the role of cupid. >> you look good. i love it. >> thank you very much. traveling around town, you will find the lanes are open eastbound along 66. no trouble spots to report. volume increasing and starting to slow you down as you work your way in if business 234 headed towards centreville. no trouble spots to report as you continue eastbound headed in towards vienna. outer loop of the beltway starting to slow at university boulevard. accident activity georgia avenue near new hampshire avenue has cleared. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. coming up next, we go live to fox business network in new york for a look at why retailers are feeling the love this valentine's day.
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>> we are back in a moment. mom homicide of young people in america has an impact on all of us. mom how can we save these young people's lives? as a police chief i have an opportunity to affect what happens in a major city. i learned early on if you want to make a difference you have to have the right education. university of phoenix opened the door. my name is james craig, i'm committed to making a difference and i am a phoenix.
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sit valentine's day spending is up and the markets are looking good too. lawyeren simonetti with fox business networking live outside the godiva store in times square with this morning's business beat. >> outside, wisdom? i'm inside. >> well, cool. i understand. before we get to talking about chocolate and all things valentine's and love, let's talk about the stock market. stocks started the week off in the plus column? >> yeah, feeling love on wall street. today, futures are up. but yesterday as well, we had the do you up by 73 points.
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apple shares piercing through $503 a share. this morning we have news in moody's has downgrade six european countries. nonetheless, futures are sustaining themselves. let's talk about valentine's day because this is big business minister retail world. people make lots of money off the retail world. >> huge business. you wouldn't believe it but valued is expected to bring in $17.6 billion in sales. that is according to the national retail federation. that is the most they've ever seen. each person says they will spend about $1206 something special for their sweetie. more often than not, that something special is going to be a hard high pressure shaped chocolate box like this one. -- each person says they will spend did $126 on something special for their sweetie. it is definitely expensive. >> price of chocolate is expens
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understand? >> no, believe it or not, chocolate prices are down dramatically. base beingally, 400 cocoa beans are in every piece of milk chocolate. those prices or down by 37%. milk triess are down as are your sugar prices. but this box is going for $95. this strawberry, i'll give you a white chocolate colored strawberry. locally grown. take a guess. how much do you think? >> $30. >> for one? no! $8.50. 15,000 of these will be sold each and every hour of the day. >> it hooks good. probably tastes good too. >> you are an expert at so many other things, wisdom. we'll let this one slide.
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>> send me some chocolate from new york. >> happy valentine's day.. you got it. >> we want to know what is the best or worst valentine's day give you've ever received. share your comments with us on facebook. we may share the comments on the air coming up in just a few minutes. also ahead, washington state legalizes gay marriage but couples won't be able to say i do on this valentine's day. we'll explain when fox 5 morning news continues. ? not yet. i want to buy used but how do you know what you're really getting. check out carmax. all their used cars are guaranteed. that's where henderson found the one for him. way to go, henderson. finding the perfect car is easy at carmax because each car is carefully selected, inspected, thoroughly reconditioned and backed with a five-day money back guarantee
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so come find the one for you today, at carmax. way to go, neil. i trained in medical school. at the time, there was very little business training. ♪ so hurry up, let's go, don't want to miss... ♪ i had my own practice, so i went looking for the knowledge to be successful running my own business. the courses were challenging. we had excellent instructors,
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and it was fun at the same time. i'm dr. william reha. i earned my mba from strayer university. [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering.
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whitney houston's family is preparing the star's funeral. hughes top's body arrived if her home state of new jersey late last night. reports say a wake may be held thursday following -- followed by her funeral on friday. new ash's prudential center has been named as a possible location for the services. it seats a crowd of about 1,000 people. houston was found dead in a hotel room at the beverly hill top on saturday. one day before the grammys. it may be several week before an exact cause of death is released. we'll continue to follow that. it is 6:30 and it is time to
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check in with talker for a look at the forecast. and a little bit of everything today it almost kind of seems like. >> except for cold temperatures. >> we are cool this morning but not ads cold as yesterday morning. we got a few light sprinkles or snow showers off to the north and west. it won't even touch the ground. that is how light it is. it is very light. let's get right to vipir. that is our in-hour radar system. you can see that, during the overnight hours, a lot of clouds moved in. this is way overplaying what is actually reaching the ground. as i mentioned, we are not getting any reports of any of this touching the ground. you get the idea here that we've got some cloud cover and the possibility of a few light sprinkles or few light snow showers off to the north and west for your morning commute. let's do the bus stop forecast. there you go. it is back. the new school bus. >> it looks like it is taking a corner on one wheel here. >> permanent addition. things look just fine as they head out to the bus stop this
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morning. cloudy skies. could be a few sprinkles or flurries. not enough to be concerned about with temperatures, low 30s well north and west. we are about 40 here in the city at the moment. right now at reagan national, 38 degrees. 37 in fredericksburg. 32 there in winchester. lots of clouds. clouds will stake around all day. 50 your daytime high. hoot mild afternoon. >> coming up in a couple of minutes, ask the weather guy. a good question about the stock market, about a ritual at the stock market. >> don't get anything about the stock market that often. >> speaking of a wealth of knowledge, julie wright, good morning to you. >> well, you give me a lot of credit first thing in the morning. >> it's only 6:30. >> talking about on the roads, julie. you are a wealth of knowledge on the roads. you get around. >> there we go. i can do that. on the roads, inbound new york avenue, lanes are open leaving northeast to northwest with no trouble spots to report. crew in sky fox joining us southbound along 270.
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not aing about deal happening here. lanes are open as you continue along the outbound spur. lanes are open, no trouble spots to report right now. other side of up to, lanes are open if you are traveling the beltway between annandale and merrifield. this is a live shot if we take it back inside of 66. wall-to-wall traffic coming in out of manassas. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. the search is on this morning for a missing 8-year- old silver spring girl. london marshall was last seep around 4:30 yesterday at her family's apartment on blair hill road. she left after a family argument. london is 4 # and weighs 08 pounds. she was last seep wearing a gray sweater, faded black jeans and gray suede boots. now, london is familiar with public transportation including metro. -- london is 4' 8" and weighs 80 pounds. 80 pounds. if you have any information, please call montgomery county police. legalizing same-sex marriage. a bill was signed into law in
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washington state. new jersey is one step closer to approving a similar bill. >> there is also some movement on the hot dutton issue in maryland and virginia. fox 5's stacy cohan is in the newsroom with all the new developments. good morning. >> good morning. let's start with washington state. there were huge cheers from washington state's capital today as same-sex marriage is signed into law. opponents are already filing an initiative to overturn that law and they are pushing for a ballot referendum for this fall. gay rights advocates getting a major victory as washington state ushers in a new era allowing same-sex marriage. >> i'm proud that our same-sex couples will no longer be treated as separate but equal. they will be equal in the great state of washington. >> reporter: washington joining six other states and the district of columbia where same- sex marriage is legal. >> my friends, welcome to the other side of the rainbow. >> gay and lesbian couples allowed to legally marry in the
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evergreen state once the law goes into effect on june 7th. some protesting the move with words and signs inside the capital rotunda. >> i have to stand up for my faith and which says marriage is one man, one woman. >> society can't perpetuate without males and fee males and churn need a mother and father and a home. it is just natural law. >> opponents are trying to gather enough signatures for a petition to put the issue on the ballot in the november election. state lawmaker are vowing to keep up the fight. >> i would like to thank my partner and future husband, eric. over the next nine months, we will all need to work together to tell our stories and defend this victory. >> reporter: meantime, the new jersey state senate voted monday to legalize same-sex marriage but governor chris christie promises a veto. here locally in virginia, there will be a rally in fairfax for folks who are supportive of
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same-sex marriage. meantime, several other states are grappling with marriage equality. proposed amendments to ban same- sex marriages will be on the ballots in north carolina in may may and in minnesota in november. the latest now on the push to legalize gay marriage in maryland. governor martin o'malley support the measure and maryland's house may vote on the bill this week. governor o'malley says he is still a few votes short of the 71 needed to pass the house. a chilling new look at the investigation that led to an arrest in the murder of jayna murray. she was kill last march at the lululemon store in bethesda. >> her coworker, brittany norwood, was recently sentenced to life without the possibility of parole and now videotaped interviews done in the days right after the crime have been released. fox 5's bob barnard has more. >> reporter: she was a free woman, voluntarily speaking with police. five days after the vicious
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murder of her coworker, jayna murray inside the lululemon store on bethesda row. >> he strikes me on my head. >> he strike you on your head? >> uh-huh. >> your forehead? >> uh-huh. >> do you know with what? >> i don't know. >> was it his fist or was it an object? >> it was hard. >> reporter: brittany nor wad was not yet a suspect, claimed she was a victim herself attacked by two mask machine inside the store late on a friday night last march. >> how long do you think this went on? >> forever it seems like. >> i'm sure. >> i don't know. >> reporter: of course, we now know it was all a lie. >> she is a great act rhett res and that is just absolutely apparent. as judge greenberg said, she thought she was in control. she thought she was calling the shots. and for several days, she was but ultimately, that was not the case. >> they knew where i lived. they know where i live.
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>> reporter: two days after the first videotaped interview, brittany was back at police headquarters. >> they said if i was to pass nip and open my mouth, i could consider myself dead. >> reporter: nor sued said she wanted to tell detectivessing this she hadn't mentioned previously, that the kill are had made her leave the store and move jayna murray's car. police had found her blood in jayna's car. >> the whole point. this is trying to come to a successful conclusion. >> reporter: detective jim drury to point knows some of the forensic evidence isn't matching up with her story. >> people would probably ask why didn't you keep on going and not go back? >> because i was afraid for my life. >> okay, if you were in the car and you were driving away -- >> i knew they knew where i lived. >> reporter: later that day, norwood was arrested and charged with jayna murray's murder. we are now seeing for the first time the asks of two apple store employees who say they
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heard screams from the other side of the wall in that you are store hearing jay in murray's screams for help but did nothing. >> it is not legally arequirement to report a crime. morally, would we hope that people confronted with the same situation would do what we hope people do in a community to look after each other and make a phone call, absolutely. but there is no legal requirement to do that. and can you walk away if you choose to do so. that was fox 5's bob archbishop arrested reporting. in other news, a man convicted of murdering his supervisor at suburban hospital ineth des ahas been sentenced to life in prison. keith little was sentenced to life without parole. he was convicted in the murder of his supervisor roosevelt brockington, jr. on new year's day 2011. prosecutors claim little was upset over a bad review. some other top stories we are following today. testimony will resume in the murder trial of george huguely. the former university of
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virginia la crosse playering accused of killing yeardley love in her off-campus apartment in 2010. 2 0 1 0 yesterday, a coroner testified the cause of death was blunt force trauma. the jury also saw pictures of huguely with bruises and abrasions the day his girl fend razz found dead. an investigation is under way into an accident that killed a virginia firefighter. 21-year-old zach whitaker was a volunteer firefighter in the town of gore. he and his father were in a tanker responding to i call early morn morning when they crashed. roads in the area we were icy at the time. for the right that he have human being is entitled to and they are looking to this assembly to speak with one voice to support them in this
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endeavor. >> the u.n. human rights commissioner delivering a report claiming that crimes against humanity have likely been committed in syria. the u.s. supports an arab league proposal for the u.n. to send a peace keep force to syria. iran is denying that it is behind car bombings targeting israeli diplomats but israel's prime minister says he is sure a ron was behind the two attacks yesterday, one in india and the other in georgia. the one in india injured the wife of and israeli diplomat as she was picking up kids at school. cards, gifts and valentine items are banned in iran but that is not stopping people from celebrating. although stores are not allowed to promote valentine gifts, many maces are quietly selling love-themed gifts. however, not all iranians enter favor of the western ideals. some are choosing to observe
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iran's traditional day of love. coming up next, a look at the list of the worst valentine's day gifts and some smarter options if you want to stay on your sweet a yps good side. it is not a romantic valentine's government but still pretty cool. download or new free weather app. >> honey, look what i have. >> search to d.c. weather on the app store or the and right market. can you also scan our qr code on
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♪ [ kareem ] i was fascinated by balsa wood airplanes
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since i was a kid. [ mike ] i always wondered how did an airplane get in the air. at ge aviation, we build jet engines. we lift people up off the ground to 35 thousand feet. at ge aviation, these engines are built by hand with very precise assembly techniques. [ mike ] it's gonna fly people around the world. safely and better than it's ever done before. it would be a real treat to hear this monster fire up. [ jaronda ] i think a lot of people, when they look at a jet engine, they see a big hunk of metal. but when i look at it, i see seth, mark, tom, and people like that who work on engines every day. [ tom ] i would love to see this thing fly. [ kareem ] it's a dream, honestly. there it is. oh, wow. that's so cool! yeah, that was awesome! [ cheering ] [ tom ] i wanna see that again. ♪
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. note --notee -- & love will keep us together. >> if you get a bouquet of red roses and baby's breath, says that is the worst gift. too cliche and shows you might not know your partner that
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well. they say go for other cool blooms. on the bad gift list, any jewelry play ring-sized box. this is very important because if she is hoping for a ring but you give her earrings or a necklace, which is nice and all you may leave her disappointed because you want that ring. suggests rap wrapping jewelry in a shoirt doux or something else to throw it off. i think that is a great idea. >> my girlfriend is say you the box i hope tupped and like it was earrings. -- suggests rapping julie in a shirt box or something else to throw it off. >> my girlfriend said i sought
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box. i opened it up and like it was earrings. >> i had a friend years ago and i went with him to the store and he bought two of everything. >> really? >> to we want to know? >> i told him. he learned an important lesson. >> it took him doing that to learn this lesson. >> he did eventually learn a lesson. i was younger, in my early 20s. we all learn as we get older. >> it didn't take me that long to learn that one. >> there you go. let's get to the forecast because i've got ask the weather guy as well. our temperatures are on the cool side but not cold. as you head out the door here, still need a jacket but we're not dealing with the bitter cold we had around here yesterday when we were in the teens and low 0s. 38 in washington. 39 in annapolis. -- when we were in the teens and low 20s. 38 at quantico. colder off to the north and west. we have freezing temperatures in martinsburg and winchester.
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looking at the radar, trying to indicate that we've got rain showers falling across the region but they are not touching the ground. the atmosphere very try here at the lower levels. it is possible you could get a sprink olympic your windshield this morning. there could be a few light flurries off to the south and west into southern pennsylvania. -- it is possible you could get a sprinkle on your windshield this morning. as this second upper level disturbance comes through later this afternoon, that could give us a couple of showers as well. be ready for the possibility of a few showers. our temperatures will be in the upper 40s to about 50. so anything that falls here in the immediate washington area will likely just fall as liquid. if you are watching well out to the west, it is possible to be mixed with some snow or some of the mountains of west virginia around western maryland, you will get a little snow later this afternoon. plenty of clouds. could be a shower out there. win south an east at about five to 10 miles per hour. mostly cloudy tonight. a sprinkle or a shower possible. 35degrees your overnight low. winds out of the west at five miles per hour. here is your five-day forecast.
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tomorrow, 53 degrees. notice how mild it will be all week here. looks like a better chance for showers on sure, friday, saturday. sunshine and we have a viewer who is getting married on saturday. it is mostly sunny with temperature about 50 degrees. >> inside or outside. >> she didn't say. >> congratulations. >> it is time for ask the weather guys. >> ask the weather guy today. >> no music. we need -- do you not get music -- >> we should get a thunderous crash. tony and i put our large heads together to answer your most pressing questions, weather related or otherwise. today's question is a great question. this comes from stand nanny in
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alexandria. she writes, why it is no matter how well or how poorly the stock market does, folks on the platform appear happy and are applauding at the end of the day's trading? did you ever notice that? >> she's right. >> now that she mentioned that. it never crossed my mind. >> when they open and the bell rings, people are cheering. >> there they go. >> perfect example. >> the bell. >> and then the same thing happens later in the afternoon. well, the bottom line, it is a ritual that dates back to the late 1807s and the thinking is that it is pacically just a celebration. it is to celebrate free market capitalism. it is a celebration much like if you went to the movie theater or went to see a play or a musical or something that would you clap at the end. they are applauding everybody's hard work that is done down on the floor for the day and, of course, many times stock market has a terrible day so they
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don't want to celebrate the fact they're losing a lot of money but they are celebrating everybody that is working on wall street that has put in a hard day's work. >> even when it is really bad, they're like this is awful. >> they do. it is just a ritual. they do it know matter what. the bell that was ringing, that tradition started in 1903. before the bell ringing, guess what they had to start the day and to end the day? >> pots and pans. >> that is a good guess. >> is that right? >> no. they played a chinese gong on like on the gong show. >> bong! >> that's cool. >> kind of sound like a cow bell. >> they would gong and then clap. >> yeah, they would gong and then clap. but in 1903, they brought the bells in. i looked hard through the
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internet for one person not celebrating up there during the opening and/or closing bell. >> you mean they don't follow tradition. >> i was able to find him. let's see if we can take a close look at somebody that was not celebrating. >> are you kidding me? >> darth vader. he does not applaud. he is not clapping. see? all he does is get the fist pump. >> that is probably the jedi thing. >> he was probably making the stock go up and down with his hand. >> you often see a group up there. who is the group. in this case, we had star wars up there. often, company that have some sort of promotion or big company news. they get the honor of opening or closing the stock market. >> usually some good positive news. >> i can't believe you found video of darth vade ore wall street. >> that was only a such months ago. if have you a question you want answered, go to
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click on the weather tab. you can upload your video question and we may play it on the air. -- i can't believe you found video of darth vader on wall street. >> you know who is smiling, julie wright because it is valentine's day. it is a happy day. for some people, it is. >> it is a happy day. it is valentine's day. love is in the air. >> sing it! >> now, we get a duet going this morning. all right. check out this drive eastbound along 66 as you work your way inbound from fair oaks headed in towards vienna. we do have slow traffic courtesy of the crew in sky fox as you work your way in through centreville. it is bumper-to-bumper traffic leaving manassas head inbound towards the capital beltway. our very own chopper blood, if you look to the left and right side of thisling loop of course that is the interchange. it almost likes a little heart
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with 66 being the arrow through the heart. great! we have the lanes open right now, no incidents to report headed in towards rockville. pretty much stop and go headed out towards the split. college park headed over towards georgia avenue. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. etraffic. . now, for a look at today's my fox half off deal, $24 can get you a three high pressure hour tour. i always think of gilligan's island. three hour tour. it will take you from the white house to the mint to the library of congress. check it out on you know it is valentine's day. it is a great excuse for have chocolate for breakfast. >> nothing wrong with that. this morning, we are showing you some treats that top your typical box of candy. fine out what georgetown's week
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for chocolate [ female announcer ] more people are using wireless devices
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in more ways than ever. and our networks are getting crowded. but if congress frees up more wireless spectrum, we can empower more people to innovate, create jobs, and put momentum behind our economy. and a spectrum auction could raise as much as 30 billion dollars to help fund the payroll tax cut. it's simple. more spectrum means more freedom. for everyone.
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good morning everybody i am annie yu happy valentines day to you. if you are still looking for a gift for your sweetie let us help you. there is an maizing deal going on it is called weak for this is just one of 16 participating businesses and basically what you do is you purchase a badge and it comes with tickets in them about 5 and you go to any five of the 16 participating restaurants and you can just treat yourself to chocolate wonderland. we are talking all kinds of treats, cupcakes, ice cream all chocolate based and inspired. we will tell you how you can get your hands on this bag. back to you in studio. >> i didn't hear a word you
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said after they put those pictures up annie. >> how do you think i feel being out here. >> got a stomach ache. thank you. we want to say good morning to our facebook fan of the day. this is sarah brooks on valentines day she wants to tell her husband daniel how much she loves him. you are so lucky, if you would like to be tomorrow's fan of the day find us on facebook searching fox 5 morning news. >> she has the same first name as you. >> i know. >> that is it for the 6:00 a.m. hour allison and tony good morning. >> happy valentines day. >> coming up fox 5 morning news, a somber home coming for whitney houston the legendary singers body now in a new jersey funeral home as new details emerge surrounding more death a live report from newark. >> huge cheers


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